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Business Mediation in Palm Springs, CA

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Business relations can become prickly when parties interact over significant issues and sometimes even minor ones. It’s a natural occurrence of dealing with the pressures of running a company while keeping customers happy. Disputes don’t have to mean the end of a partnership, though, as they can be effectively managed through business mediation in Palm Springs, CA, by our team at Lutringer Mediation Associates.

Our experienced business lawyer can help keep issues from getting out of hand by acting as an impartial voice of reason. We’ll get down to the heart of the matter and take a look at both sides to develop a clear picture of the problem and how a resolution can be reached.

Business relationships are just like any other inter-personal dealings and can eventually come to an end. Sometimes those endings are contentious and filled with acrimony, but they don’t have to be. If you are going through a process that parallels a marital divorce but only in a business sense, we’re ready to help. Mediating a dispute can avoid expensive and protracted legal wrangling that might otherwise result when business partners don’t see eye-to-eye on contracts and financial arrangements.

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Lutringer Consulting, Alternative Dispute Resolution

My goal is to help you find a win-win solution, no matter what type of conflict or dispute you need to solve.

(760) 820-4040

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